20072021 earliest a malfunction of how tall Ronaldo is According to Heightpedia hes nearly 6 feet 2 inches tall standing at 6 162 inches to be exact In total inches hes 7362 inches tall
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7 Times CR7 Defied Gravity and ScoredWhile Ronaldo fell well short of being the tallest player that honor went to 6 feet 7 inches Croatian goalie Lovre Kalini he was taller than the average height of 60 Of course height on its own wont get you anything You need to have the athletic ability to go with it For soccer players height is helpful when attempting
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How Tall Is Cristiano Ronaldo Soccer Sportscasting
20 Jul 2021 First a breakdown of how tall Ronaldo is According to Heightpedia hes nearly 6 feet 2 inches tall standing at 6 162 inches to be exact
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Tuesday, September 21, 2021